I'm a fourth-year PhD student and GAANN Fellow in Informatics
at the University of California, Irvine, where I work with
Dr. Yunan Chen in the
Health and Information Lab.
I conduct research at the intersection of human-computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work,
and health informatics. My work explores the design, use, and implications of data-driven technologies
in individual, family, and community health contexts. I'm particularly interested in how
collaborative processes shape the experiences of marginalized populations with complex care needs.
I completed my M.S. in Computer Science (2021, advised by
Dr. Eun Kyoung Choe), B.S. in Computer Science
(2019, advised by Dr. Leilani Battle),
and B.A. in Germanic Studies at the University of Maryland,
where I spent a lot of time in the HCIL.
Outside of research, I enjoy anything outdoors, traveling, and textile arts.
Feel free to check out my curriculum vitae
(updated October 2024) to see my publications.